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The harmful content of lipstick is not limited to thumb sucking

One of the cosmetics that can not be separated from most women is lipstick. In fact, this lip enhancing tool is suspected to often contain harmful ingredients. The harmful ingredients in lipstick are thought to cause serious health problems. Lipsticks that are sold freely in the market are often rumored to contain dangerous metals that can have negative effects on health. In fact, some of the dangerous metals are detected at an alarming rate.

Dangerous Ingredients in Lipstick

Below are some of the harmful ingredients in lipstick that can be harmful to your health.
  • Heavy metal

  • One of the heavy metals that might be found in lipstick is lead. Lead is a heavy metal that harms the nervous system and organs of the human body including the kidneys and bones. This heavy metal can also play a role in triggering cancer. In addition to lead, there are several heavy metals commonly found in lipstick, including aluminum, cadmium, mercury, chromium, arsenic, and manganese. In addition to the risks above, these long-term metal sequences can increase the risk of getting cancer, skin damage, nerve disorders such as Parkinson's disease, bone, liver, and kidney damage. Heavy metals in lipstick have the potential to be absorbed into the body through the skin of the lips.
  • Trichosan

  • Another ingredient in lipstick that is associated with adverse health effects is tryclosan. This material is a chemical compound commonly used to prevent bacterial infections. In addition to lipstick, triclosan is usually contained in toothpaste products, facial wash soap, soap and facial scrubs. Concern about triclosan begins with animal studies. In that study, this compound was proven to reduce muscle strength and heart muscle work, affect hormones and trigger the growth of cancer cells. Test results in the laboratory also show that triclosan can cause germ immunity against antibiotics. However, because these studies are limited to animals, further research is still needed to prove the same effect on humans.
  • Phthalates

  • Another ingredient in lipstick that has the potential to harm humans is phthalates (phthalates). This is a chemical commonly used to make plastics, detergents, and glue. Based on research conducted on animals, phthalates can trigger irritation. More research is needed to prove the negative impact of phthalates on human health.
The ingredients above are some examples of prohibited substances which are not allowed to be put into cosmetics according to BPOM regulations. Currently there is no long-term research that discusses the harmful ingredients in lipstick on health. Despite that further research is still needed to prove the effect of harmful substances in lipstick, women in particular must remain cautious. Check the composition of the lipstick and make sure the cosmetics you use have permission from (Food and Drug Supervisory Agency). Also pay attention to the rules of use and warnings listed on the packaging to minimize risk. In addition to lipstick, you can also try ways to naturally redden your lips to enhance your appearance.
